How to Charge More for Your Products on Etsy


If you’re like me, when I scroll through the pages of Etsy sometimes I think OMG, how are they selling that for THAT price?? Unfortunately, it is a common occurrence on Etsy to see sellers way undervaluing their product. And I know it is a major hangup when you’re thinking about opening up a shop or listing a new product. But guess what? You do NOT need to be the lowest priced item to succeed on Etsy. 

My prices are definitely not low- but some of my very best sellers are always competing right next to similar items with much lower prices and I’m still making plenty of sales! 

Of course there will always be people who will choose the lowest price item. But it’s likely those people aren’t your ideal customers. 

So how do you actually price your items for what they're worth while also making sales? You have to CONVEY your value, very clearly.

It’s all about creating a description that conveys why your item holds more value than everything else like it on the marketplace. Things like great photos and good reviews will help close the sale- but the description is THE place to tell your customer up front, that what your making is especially special. 

So how do YOU actually create a killer description that clearly leaves the customer understanding the products value? Craft a product value statement!

A well-crafted value statement will never leave your potential buyer wondering why your item is priced higher than other similar products on Etsy! It will also increase their level of trust in purchasing with your shop, which I think is pretty cool!

Want to see exactly how I walk through creating my product value statements and want some help working through one of your own? Download my free worksheet: Crafting your products value statement!

Oh and P.S. I’m launching an Etsy course in March. Be the first to get the details and sign up for the waitlist HERE!

Aislinn Minardi